Project Details

To accommodate a new fire station, we performed approximately 30,000 CY of over excavation to bedrock and imported and placed approximately 75,000 tons of shot rock.

To start, we were delayed three weeks due to permitting. To keep the general contractor’s schedule on track, we fast tracked mass grading. We completed all work within four weeks despite starting in January, which typically has work delays due to harsh weather.

Prior to filling, we had two excavators with custom skeleton buckets sifting unsuitable material and trash. The site had areas of dumped household trash covered with organic soil. None of these areas were a suitable foundation for the building and had to be over excavated. There were 10-20 dump trucks exporting the unsuitable material and hauling rock back to the site.

We accelerated the schedule by loading our own material at the quarry with two CAT 336EL Excavators with custom designed high capacity buckets. Then a fleet of 40+ on road dump trucks hauled the material to the site at a pace of 600-800 tons per hour. Two CAT D6T dozers pushed the shot rock into 2’ lifts. There were 10’-20’+ deep fill areas on site.

All operations were performed simultaneously with multiple crews.


Type of Project

Site Development

Scoped Performance

Clearing, over-excavation, mass grading and import, drainage, sewer and water, existing road work


January 2017-February 2017