Project Details

RAWSO’s work on this multifamily housing project in Antioch, Tennessee, involves a full utility and site preparation package for the Ridgeview Apartments complex. Our scope of work for Ridgeview includes earthwork, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water, and electrical trenching. We received the contract for this project in June 2020, and we expect to complete our responsibilities by March 2022.

A unique characteristic of this project is the seven bio-retention ponds located throughout the site, which contain two different types of stone. We will dig out two of these ponds in the early stages of the project to serve as water quality facilities. We will also need to obtain a lane closure permit to connect the sanitary sewer main, but as there is an elementary school across the street, safety will be even more important than usual.

All told, this site includes five building pads and townhome lots. By the time we’re finished, we expect to excavate 78,000 cubic yards of cut and 92,000 CY of fill. We will also install 3,630 linear feet of storm drainage, 2,360 LF of sanitary sewer, and 7,900 LF of domestic, irrigation, and fire lines.


Type of Project

Site Preparation and Utilities

Project Scope

Earthwork, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water, and electrical trenching


June 2020 - March 2022